石油学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (9): 1336-1348.DOI: 10.7623/syxb202409003

• 地质勘探 • 上一篇    


吴克强, 尤丽, 龚宇, 庹雷, 高梦天, 窦婧瑛, 向远高, 李珊珊, 郑飞   

  1. 中海石油(中国)有限公司海南分公司 海南海口 570312
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-20 修回日期:2024-07-22 发布日期:2024-10-10
  • 通讯作者: 尤丽,女,1983年10月生,2018年获吉林大学博士学位,现为中海石油(中国)有限公司海南分公司首席工程师(勘探地质)、高级工程师,主要从事油气勘探地质研究。Email:youli1@cnooc.com.cn
  • 作者简介:吴克强,男,1970年8月生,1995年获中国地质大学(武汉)硕士学位,现为中海石油(中国)有限公司海南分公司副总经理兼总地质师、教授级高级工程师,主要从事石油地质综合研究。Email:wukq@cnooc.com.cn
  • 基金资助:

Petroleum exploration breakthrough of Paleogene deep-water strata in Shunde sag of Pearl River Mouth Basin and its significance

Wu Keqiang, You Li, Gong Yu, Tuo Lei, Gao Mengtian, Dou Jingying, Xiang Yuangao, Li Shanshan, Zheng Fei   

  1. Hainan Branch, CNOOC China Limited, Hainan Haikou 570312, China
  • Received:2024-05-20 Revised:2024-07-22 Published:2024-10-10

摘要: 珠 江口盆地是南海北部油气勘探的主战场之一。顺德凹陷位于珠二坳陷西侧,早期勘探程度低、凹陷内无钻井。基于顺德凹陷新采集的三维地震及周边钻井资料,开展了区域石油地质研究。通过系统分析顺德凹陷的构造演化与断裂特征,研究了构造作用对烃源岩、储-盖组合、圈闭特征和运聚条件的控制并建立了成藏模式,提出了油气的优势运聚方向。研究结果表明:①顺德北凹断陷期的强烈伸展作用控制了凹陷结构和半深湖亚相烃源岩沿凹陷带—斜坡带分布,发育东、西2个主力烃源灶;②断坳期的伸展-走滑作用控制了沿断裂带分布的大型扇三角洲—辫状河三角洲储集体及断鼻-断块圈闭群;③伸展-走滑作用形成的正向构造与长期活动断裂,共同控制了油气运移与聚集;④建立了伸展-走滑作用控藏模式,提出顺德北凹的近凹鼻状构造带、南斜坡带、凹中地垒带是油气的优势运聚方向。顺德北凹的凹中地垒带钻探的W36a井揭示厚度超过45 m的油层,测试获得产油量超过100 m3/d的高产工业油流,实现了南海北部深水区新凹陷、新领域石油勘探的重大突破,证实顺德北凹在强断陷期发育优质厚层半深湖亚相烃源岩,对顺德凹陷乃至南海北部石油勘探具有重要指导和借鉴意义,展现顺德凹陷及其边缘凹陷具有发育亿吨级油田群的勘探前景。

关键词: 南海北部, 深水区, 新凹陷, 石油领域突破, 顺德凹陷, 伸展-走滑作用

Abstract: Pearl River Mouth Basin is one of the main fields of oil-gas exploration in the north of the South China Sea. There is a low degree of early exploration and no drilling in Shunde sag, which is located in the west of Zhu Ⅱ depression. Based on the newly acquired 3D seismic data in Shunde sag and the drilling data in the surrounding area, the regional petroleum geology research has been carried out. Through analyzing the tectonic evolution and fracture characteristics of Shunde sag, the paper investigates its controlling on source rocks, reservoir-cap assemblages, trap characteristics, migration and accumulation conditions, establishes hydrocarbon accumulation models, and proposes favorable oil-gas migration directions. The results indicate that strong extension of the northern Shunde sag in the faulting period played a role in controlling the sag structure and the distribution of semi-deep lacustrine source rocks along the sag and slope, with two main hydrocarbon kitchens developed in the east and west. Moreover, the superposed effect of both extension and strike-slip in depression period controlled the large-scale fan delta, braided river delta, and a series of fault-plunging structure or fault block trap groups distributed along the fault zone. Additionally, the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation was controlled by the long-term active faults and a series of positive structures formed by extension and strike-slip action. Finally, the accumulation model controlled by extension and strike slip actions has been established; the nose-shaped structural belt near the sag, the southern slope zone, and the horst belt in the sag are predicted as the dominant hydrocarbon migration and accumulation directions in the northern Shunde sag. The Well W36a was drilled in the horst zone of the northern Shunde sag, from which oil layers with the thickness of over 45 m were discovered, and high production of industrial oil over 100 m3/d was obtained, thus realizing a significant breakthrough in the new deep-water sags and new fields of petroleum exploration in the northern South China Sea, and confirming the development of high-quality thick layered semi-deep lacustrine source rocks during the strong faulting period in the northern Shunde sag. This has important guidance and reference significance for oil exploration in Shunde sag and even the northern South China Sea and demonstrates the exploration prospects for the oilfield groups of billion tons in Shunde sag and other marginal sags.

Key words: northern South China Sea, deep water area, new sag, breakthrough in petroleum fields, Shunde sag, extensional-strike slip effect
